Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Week 3 DOL and 8LMQ

Just looked over the DOL and the 8LMQ and think that the the DOL has a great way of representing the learning process and stages. From basic knowledge right up to the extending refining and using knowledge in a meaningful way. Although the DOL give a good overview of the connections and strategies, I find the 8LMQ's to be an easier method to use in a school environment. The 8LMQ are broken down in to three simple phases of profiling, strategizing and ascertaining. some of these areas relate and cross over to the DOL, DOL 1 is sort of profiling the students however it also goes into assessing the attitudes and perceptions in the classroom and making sure that there is a happy supportive environment for students to learn in.

In the similarities and differences between the two types of habits of mind, I find that although Costa's view is quite detailed on each habit of mind it is written in regards to the general population rather than for the purpose of teaching like Marzano and Pickering's habits of mind. Marzano and Pickering seem to me to point out applications and uses of the habits of mind in context of the way we will be using them in a classroom which I find to be much more helpful than Costa's view.

Looking over the DOL 1 and 5 I find that in DOL 1 I will need to keep check of my own attitudes as these will have a impact on the attitudes of the students when I am teaching. Quite often the attitudes of others will affect my attitude and I need to be aware of this so that I don't start a downward spiral of attitudes in the classroom.

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