Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Maslows Hierarchy of needs

I agree in part with Maslows Hierarchy of needs, as a student in schools I found it hard to concentrate in class if it was too hot or too cold, also as a victim of bullying for most of my schooling I was unwilling to share comments in class discussions and still have trouble making suggestions in in University classes.

If these basic needs are meet first is would allow for a safer and happier environment for students to learn in. Having said this there is still the issue of engaging students, even if students are feed happy and safe they are still not likely to learn or engage in the class work if they do not find it interesting to them or relevant to their life style.

Therefore i would suggest that there still needs to be a balanced approach of a few aspects of these different points of view to allow for a more rounded affective teaching of the students.

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