Monday, April 19, 2010

PowerPoint presentation

Hope this works, this is a PowerPoint I used as a to go through CPR.

View more presentations or Upload your own.


  1. Hi Ken, I have had a look at your PowerPoint and it looks great. I feel this would be a very useful tool in a HPE class when students complete their first aid training. This would be a fantastic way of going over what the students had learned in their training, to ensure they had a full understanding of the concepts. Great work on a funny and enjoyable presentation.

    Kind regards
    Katrina Knight
    F/T Secondary
    (HPE, Eng)

  2. Thank you Katrina for the positive comments, I was able to implement this last term in a HPE class to great success. The kids really enjoyed the you tube clip, although I had to load it in a separate window at that stage due to not being able to embed it like I have done now. Once again thanks.
    Regards, Ken

  3. I agree it was funny and to the point.Great work Ken!
