Monday, March 1, 2010

Learning activities for week 1

Think about your own education -- what has it resembled to date? Was it a remnant of the Industrial Age or was it based around the skills required for the 21st century?
Activity 1.1
My own education to date has aspects of bit areas transitional period of time where their where teachers using the old ways and others the new ways, however in University there has been a greater emphasis on the 21st century model.
Future work was written 10 years ago. Think about where we are now and the rapid changes that have occurred even since this article was written.
Activity 1.2
It is scary to look back and see how far the world has come in only a few short years, what are the next ten years going to hold. Will we see people living on the Moon or under the sea? Every day people ate trying to create new technologies to make our lives simpler and better.
How does the author differentiate between Mode 1 and 2 knowledge and what implications does this have for you as a teaching professional?
Activity 1.3
Mode 1 is an applied disciplined approach that is produced by individuals and is localised.
Mode 2 is trans-disciplinary and is produced in context of application it is a team effort and is global and non-localised.
How do Smith and Mienczakowski ideas work, or conflict with the three readings above?
Activity 1.4
Smith and Mienczakowski agrees with the above readings on accepting that the times are changing and education and educational institutes need to be adaptable and change to the new ways of working. Teachers are seen to be managers of student learners rather than the old ways of teaching students as they were blank slates. It is also important to use integrated ict’s in the classroom to help keep the students engaged.

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